There are not many other human beings that exemplify the message of Dream Development and serving others quite like Martin Luther King Jr.

I was 2 months away from my 8th birthday when Martin Luther King’s life was taken from him. Outside my home it was the turbulent 60’s in America, though I was too young to notice much of it. Inside my mom’s apartment, it was equally as turbulent. It was approaching 3 years after my parents divorced and my mom struggled to raise me and my older brother and sister. I always looked for people to look up to. I believe Martin Luther King’s message of hope and justice entered my spirit.

The person that carries a mission driven message can look to Martin Luther King Jr and receive hope. First, Mr. King never believed that he was worthy to be the man to carry his message. Do you feel worthy to carry your dream? He did however carry a burden of Self Doubt with him into his mission. I know I can relate to this as well; how about you?

Secondly, Mr. King boldly exhibited three of the four classical virtues that no civilization from the beginning of time can do without. His life greatly exhibited Justice, Wisdom and Courage. I don’t have enough information to write about the fourth classical virtue of Moderation.

I believe that God the Father gives each of us certain divine qualities. These divine qualities are latent until action is taken and Faith is instilled to do what is right. We pursue positive actions because of our Faith. Jesus said in John 15:13 “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” Though this doesn’t necessarily mean that one has to give up his breath of life, it can most certainly mean sacrificing one’s personal luxuries and interests in order to give one’s greatest contribution, gifts and service to others. Love is an action…

Pursuing your God given dream will not always be easy. In fact it may carry a lot of pain with it. But it can reach a point in our lives that not pursuing your ultimate calling is much more painful than taking steps toward your dream. There are people that desperately need what you have to offer.

Martin Luther King said: “In a real sense all life is inter-related. All men are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be, and you can never be what you ought to be until I am what I ought to be… This is the inter-related structure of reality.”

May Martin Luther King’s message of justice and courage to love our neighbor live on.

It is the virtue of justice and love that lived through Martin Luther King Jr. He accepted the message, yes, but the divine qualities live on.

Please take a moment in silence today or sometime this week and remember Martin Luther King Jr. Additionally reflect and pray where more courage, wisdom, justice and love can be exhibited in your life. Then write these reflections in your journal for later action.



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